1:64 Down on the Farm Series 8 (Set of 6)

Item Number: GL48080-SET
Scale: 1:64
MSRP: $41.94
Price: $39.99
Very Limited!
Manufacturer: Greenlight Collectibles
Includes: 1:64 Down on the Farm Series 8 - 1950 Ford 8N w/Front Loader (Blue/Red), 1:64 1970 Ford F-100 Farm & Ranch Special w/Side Cargo Boards (Candy Apple Red), 1:64 Down on the Farm Series 8 - 1973 Tractor w/Enclosed Cab (Orange/White), 1:64 Down on the Farm Series 8 - 1985 Ford 5610 - Memphis, Tennessee Fire Department, 1:64 Down on the Farm Series 8 - 2017 RAM 2500 Power Wagon (Red w/Mud Spatter) & 1:64 Down on the Farm Series 8 - Bale Throw Wagon (Black/Red)